Monday, March 2, 2009


Monday, March 2, 2009
I really should be doing my homework right now.
Instead, I'm switching between HP 1 and Jon & Kate Plus 8.
So, I'm not sure what the point of this entry is just yet. How about... Slumdog Millionaire? Sounds good to me. I saw it Saturday night with Laura, and it was absolutely wonderful. It was such an intense movie; there was never a moment where boredom set in, which isn't usually the case with me. I couldn't really predict what was going to happen. Well, that's sort of untrue. I could have told you the major points of the ending, probably. Anyway. I completely understand why it won the Oscar for Best Picture, because it was just fantastic. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Scratch that... if you're under, I'd say 15-ish, don't see it, because there are some, ahem, "mature themes". Not necessarily sex, because 15 year olds have more sex than some people who are over thirty at the present time. Which is ridiculous; we now live in a society where sex education is necessary in elementary school. That's just disgusting. I don't even want to get into it. Subject change.
Okay. Sometime, I believe it was last week, our school held a district-wide staff meeting to determine how the budget could be cut, and someone (I'm not sure who, my music teacher didn't specify) suggested cutting music department staff. Which is so sad; it seems as though the music department is always the first to suffer in schools now, because so many people feel as though it isn't necessary. But, it is. Imagine how mundane life would be with absolutely no music. Just try to spend an entire day with zero music. It's a school's duty to provide its students with as many opportunities as it can. With so many talented kids out there, every school absolutely needs a good music program. It's such a good outlet for so many people. I don't know. Maybe I'm biased because my school's music program is basically my entire life, but I just don't see how that is at all fair.
Now that I've got myself all worked up, my thoughts are turning to the show and everything that goes with it. The Wizard of Oz opens on Friday, March 20. That's 17 days from now. Just saying, I'm probably going to rip my hair out before then, because people are starting to feel the stress, and it's only a matter of time before we all start to turn on eachother. I really hope that doesn't happen, because when it has in the past, things have almost fallen apart. But, it's not going to happen. The show's going to be great. End of story.
Okay. It's almost 9:30. I really, really need to get going on my homework.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Future Freaks Me Out

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Today, I sent in my tuition and housing deposits, as well as my scolarship acceptance, for Oneonta. And, for the first time in a long time, I feel relieved, perhaps even stress free.
Okay. We won't go that far. But, I do feel good, now that I've got a plan. My summer in Greenwich Village plan is on hold as of now, however, because the cost is just so outrageous. I'm alright with it, though; I think it'll be a good thing to have a summer with my friends, spending as much time together as we can stand before we go our separate ways. I get the feeling that numerous road trips will be in our future.
On a less exciting note, mid winter break is coming to an end. I have yet to even look at my AP Bio packets, or my Othello essay for AP English. I'm an awful procrastinator, really. I'm always under immense stress right before a big assignment is due, because I am constantly waiting until the last possible second to get tedious things done. It's a terrible habit that I might break someday. But probably not.
One last thought, that's the most random of all. I have an intense obsession with Spring Awakening, even now that it has closed (my heart breaks a little every time I think about that). But, that's not the point. I was looking at the Broadway cast (past and "present"), and, some of these performers are/were my age while in the show. 17, 18, 19 year olds starring in this wonderful award-winning musical. What I wouldn't give to be in their shoes, to have that talent. Well, I guess that's what I'm working toward. A career in performance (I must be at least a little bit crazy).

Monday, February 16, 2009

Decisions, decisions.

Monday, February 16, 2009
So, thankfully, midwinter break is finally upon us. Well, upon me, at least. This week, I fully intend to start making some decisions about where my life is going. I'm leaning toward the idea of taking a year at SUNY Oneonta for theatre, and then transferring to NYU Steinhardt (or Tisch?), the Hartt School, Carnegie Mellon, Michigan State, or someplace along those lines. I just don't know. And then I got the idea in my head that I would spend part of my summer at NYU for a musical theatre workshop at Steinhardt or Tisch. Well, the cost could end up being upward of $8,000 for a couple of weeks of clases, and I'm not sure that that's really possible right now.
I'm not sure that I have anything else I need to say. Hm... I've started online shopping for dorm supplies, which is slightly ridiculous. The Wizard of Oz is coming along nicely, we have almost finished blocking Act II. And, I'm getting new pointe shoes this week. Those were three ideas that have little to do with eachother, I know. Just in case you wanted to know what I was doing this week, now you do.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Beginning.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Hello all!
I felt that, being halfway through my senior year of high school, I should start documenting my life; perhaps, one day, I'll want to look back and remember what all of this was like.
It's been a crazy year thus far, and I've barely had a free minute. With college applications, audition preparations, rehearsals, and dance classes among various other activities, I've had little time to appreciate this year for what it is; the end of a very long chapter, and the beginning of an even longer one. While, naturally, I can't wait to be moving on to a bigger and better part of my life, I'm as scared as can be about the career I've chosen. However, whenever the idea of constant auditions and rehearsals looms, I remember that I couldn't possibly be happy doing anything other than performing. A big part of me would be missing; I just wouldn't be myself without that outlet.
So, I believe that this may suffice for now. Hopefully, I'll have some exciting news, or at least an interesting story or two when I write next.

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