Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Future Freaks Me Out

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Today, I sent in my tuition and housing deposits, as well as my scolarship acceptance, for Oneonta. And, for the first time in a long time, I feel relieved, perhaps even stress free.
Okay. We won't go that far. But, I do feel good, now that I've got a plan. My summer in Greenwich Village plan is on hold as of now, however, because the cost is just so outrageous. I'm alright with it, though; I think it'll be a good thing to have a summer with my friends, spending as much time together as we can stand before we go our separate ways. I get the feeling that numerous road trips will be in our future.
On a less exciting note, mid winter break is coming to an end. I have yet to even look at my AP Bio packets, or my Othello essay for AP English. I'm an awful procrastinator, really. I'm always under immense stress right before a big assignment is due, because I am constantly waiting until the last possible second to get tedious things done. It's a terrible habit that I might break someday. But probably not.
One last thought, that's the most random of all. I have an intense obsession with Spring Awakening, even now that it has closed (my heart breaks a little every time I think about that). But, that's not the point. I was looking at the Broadway cast (past and "present"), and, some of these performers are/were my age while in the show. 17, 18, 19 year olds starring in this wonderful award-winning musical. What I wouldn't give to be in their shoes, to have that talent. Well, I guess that's what I'm working toward. A career in performance (I must be at least a little bit crazy).


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