Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Beginning.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Hello all!
I felt that, being halfway through my senior year of high school, I should start documenting my life; perhaps, one day, I'll want to look back and remember what all of this was like.
It's been a crazy year thus far, and I've barely had a free minute. With college applications, audition preparations, rehearsals, and dance classes among various other activities, I've had little time to appreciate this year for what it is; the end of a very long chapter, and the beginning of an even longer one. While, naturally, I can't wait to be moving on to a bigger and better part of my life, I'm as scared as can be about the career I've chosen. However, whenever the idea of constant auditions and rehearsals looms, I remember that I couldn't possibly be happy doing anything other than performing. A big part of me would be missing; I just wouldn't be myself without that outlet.
So, I believe that this may suffice for now. Hopefully, I'll have some exciting news, or at least an interesting story or two when I write next.



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